July 05, 2018  •  Leave a Comment


Perth Newborn Photographer  |  Baby Boy

Ok guys, you have to know this, I'm rubbish at blogging! BUT... it is something I'm really trying to work on!! So all my gorgeous past clients, please do not feel left out! I will try to blog past sessions in the near future! I have a fancy new client management program that is allowing me to streamline and keep track of all my client work. This has been such a massive help and I've heard great things from our current clients. Being a sole business owner has its ups and downs for sure. I mean, there are those times where it's rainy and gross outside and I'm inside my nice warm (CLEAN!) studio in my pyjama bottoms and my uggies, rocking out to Taylor Swift tunes (not ashamed), but then there is also the less pleasant tasks of having to kinda be pretty decent at A LOT of stuff. Accounts. Yup. Not my favourite task but oh so essential! Do you know so many businesses close over just this alone. Not putting enough aside for tax time, making costs tax mistakes etc.. it's pretty scary when you think about it!  If you told my mother and my accounting teachers that I would one day be responsible for running my own business and taking care of my own accounts you may still hear the echoes of their laughter ;) There is something pretty calming about accounts though. I mean, it's all about balance isn't it. Making sure that the ins are coming in and the outs are going out. That they balance, and are in harmony. It's a pretty zen concept and I'm coming around to not dreading it every month (if I'm being good!)


I love & hate Facebook like most people. I enjoy seeing what all the people I love are up to with their lives, especially people in my past that aren't even necessarily people I get to see very often. One of these people is my gorgeous friend Aliesha. We were music students at TAFE Leederville together back in the days. We both loves the same sort of music and I guess you could label us singer/songwriters. I still have songs that she has written (she cringed when I told her that) and I still love them. She has a killer voice and a great gift at songwriting. We got up to a fair bit of mischief together back in those days. We once ran a music competition called TUNE UP. We ran an ad in the local Xpress Mag for auditions and I think we only had about 2 people show up! We were much better as muso's than as event runners. We did find some great local talent in the end though and the TUNE UP competition went ahead as a huge success! I think we even had a grand prize of a guitar tuner for the winner hahahah. We did love being able to donate all the proceeds to our favourite local charity at the time, The Dogs Home in Shenton Park. I still have an image of us together with a bunch of pooches around us. Man, we were young!


Fast forward and we lost touch. Life happens and it's so easy to lose touch. I was busy building my own little family and raising my two gorgeous girls, yet I loved being able to see her travel, get engaged, married and then have their first gorgeous child, Kade. To see her walk into my little studio all those years later, with her own little family, gave me goosebumps. It was like nothing had changed and no time had passed. They are the best kind of friendships I reckon.

So meet gorgeous little KADE! This little boy is very lucky to have landed his Mum & Dad I reckon. I think these guys are going to have a lot of fun in the years ahead.




Little Kade, we can't wait to watch you grow!






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